Wednesday, January 21, 2009

MRI Results show an unexpected result

Well! Yesterday was.....interesting. I got some very helpful information from the MRI, which is that I have a bulging disk (L5) that is slightly impinging the nerve that controls the muscles that extend around my sacrum. And the bulge is on the left side of my spine. This is the side that I've been having pain, weakness, numbness, etc. - so we have our answer as to the cause now! Now we can treat the area in a way that will more likely provide desirable results. Hooray! So I'm starting back to physical therapy today. I'm nervous about that, because in the past it has been painful to have P.T.; we'll see how it goes.

The disk injury was no surprise to my doctor; what was a surprise was that the MRI of my pelvis revealed that I have a cyst on my left ovary! I have never had this sort of thing before, so it threw me for a bit of a loop. I went this morning for a pelvic ultrasound, and tomorrow I'll meet with my Ob/Gyn to see what they recommend doing about it, if anything. Just by luck, my annual exam at the OB was already scheduled for tomorrow, so this information has good timing!

Friends and family have been very supportive during this process. I'm thankful for that.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Today I am glad for a new week. It's Monday, but I'm doing OK. I've been eating pretty healthy, and finally took time to read the new Weight Watchers materials that I've had for weeks. I'm struggling to fit the new "momentum" program into my lifestyle. I exercised twice in the last 3 days, which is great for me!

Today I received a lengthy e-mail from my friend Robert, an old high school friend that I recently reconnected with after 20+ years of not being in touch. In it he detailed a lot of what has been going on with him and his kids and his ex-wife. It's not good. I'm upset thinking about it. His kids will be moving to Arizona at the end of the week. Maybe he will be able to have some sanity with the melodrama not being right there in his face everyday. I pray that will be the case. My heart aches when a friend is hurting. I've always been that way. It makes me depressed, and it is hard for me to focus on work.

Speaking of work, it is busy! It is a good distraction.

I had an MRI on my birthday, which was a few days ago. Tomorrow I meet with the doctor to hear her interpretation of what she sees. I hope she'll find something that is fixable!

I praise God for the good health, thinking skills, and gifts that I have been given. May I put them to good use.

Now I'm off to do taxes! .......

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ornaments and memories

It is finally time to put away the Christmas decorations for another year. Why does it seem to take so much longer than when I put them up?

One thing I observe almost every year as I take the ornaments out of their boxes, but more so as I put them away in their boxes after Christmas, is how the various ornaments bring back memories of different times in my life or old friends. Some I have received from friends that I haven't seen in many years, and it makes me wonder how they are doing. Other ornaments remind me of groups that I once belonged to that had an ornament exchange. Then the memories of not only that group, but that entire phase of my life come to the forefront of my thoughts. 'This one was when we first moved to Redmond'; 'this one I won at a Bunco party on that snowy day'. 'This one was from a friend who has now moved far away, and I haven't met most of her children'. And so on.

The ones that I seem to cherish the most are (naturally) the ones that my mom made. She loved to crochet little angels, and I have several of them. She also made me a hot air balloon ornament that she crocheted. No matter how tattered it may become, I'll never discard it. The ornaments made by my children of course remind me of their elementary school days.

Our tree gets more and more cluttered each year with ornaments, as we accumulate more experiences and relationships. I imagine that there will be a time in my life when I will want to de-clutter my Christmas tree, but for now, I celebrate the messiness of it. It serves as a reminder of how very blessed, how very rich our family life is.

Praise be to God.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Flood Photos of my daughter's high school

Here are some photos showing flood damage to my daughter's High School, Mt. Si High in Snoqualmie. We have received word that many people have volunteered to help clean up, and there is hope that school will resume on Monday. We won't know for sure until Sunday evening, however.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Drying out....gradually!

Well, we have had a wild few days of weather in the Pacific Northwest. The heavy snows of late December were melted by warmer weather and a few inches of rain, which caused flooding of many rivers in Western Washington, including the Snoqualmie River, which runs right through my housing development! Fortunately for us, the side of the river that I'm on has a much higher bank than the other side, so the flood waters did not get high enough to creep into our neighborhood. One big section of town, including a couple of retail centers, had to be closed off. Many of the schools in our area received flood damage, and so schools have been closed since Wednesday (it is now Friday). My kids have missed 5 days of school in the last month due to weather conditions! Everyone is very frustrated, yet sympathetic to the difficulties faced by many due to this situation.

My busy season has kicked in with full force. I have been helping some clients with their quarter-ends and year-ends, and I'm mostly done with 3 businesses so far in that regard. I probably have 2 or 3 more to go! Then Federal taxes preparation will be upon us! My birthday is next week, and my daughter Carmen's birthday is on the 26th, and often life seems too overwhelming to enjoy those events, but we will do what we can! At my age, I'm mostly just grateful to be here for another birthday! My brother Sparkey pointed out one time to me, "it's better than the alternative!". Very true. So, while I recognize that there are a few more wrinkles and I'm sagging in a few places that I didn't use to, I also recognize that each day and each year is a privilege. Many people who have passed on would love to be here, wrinkles, sags and all! So I welcome my 46th birthday next week.

Blest are we! PraiseGod.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

January has begun!

Well, I'm facing the fact that I have to get back to WORK, and that the relaxing, non-structured days of the holidays are a thing of the past. But it's OK!

This morning I worked a bit, and then took a break to exercise (did 2 miles of a new Leslie Sansone DVD that Santa brought me), and I thoroughly enjoyed it! My doggies sat and watched me, and even Montana was patient and stayed on the ottoman so she wouldn't be under foot. When I was cooling down, she came over to my face and licked it a few times. So cute!

I'm looking forward to getting the January hubbub going...I think! But I want to sew some things, so the internal tug & pull of the "have to's" and the "want to's" are in full swing.

Balance, that's what I seek. I know I'm not alone in that struggle.

Today I'm grateful for so many blessings, but to name a few, they are: health that allows me to exercise, my amazing husband, and electricity. (an ecclectic group of things to be thankful for, but those are the 1st three things that came to mind!)